Official Consumer Warning From Aquaproducts
Due to the high quality and demand of Aquabot cleaners, Aquabots have been obtained by retailers through distributors. Only Authorized Aquabot Dealers and Authorized Aquabot Service Centers are certified as safe and reliable by Aqua Products. Unauthorized Dealers selling Aquabot cleaners and unauthorized Service Centers repairing Aquabots are not verified by Aqua Products nor have they completed the required training and certification. There have been several cases of fraudulent activity reported including unauthorized Dealers removing Aqua Products certified components from new cleaners and replacing them with inferior counterfeit components and being sold as new. The certified components are sold separately for profit, allowing unauthorized Dealers to lower their (modified) cleaner sale price. These components cause failure of the Aquabot cleaners and put consumers at great risk as the electric Aquabot robotic cleaners are fully ETL listed in accordance with UL Standard 1081 and undergo extensive quality control testing prior to shipping from the Aqua Products facility to ensure quality, reliability and safety.

If you would like to confirm our status as Authorized Aquabot Dealer:
Contact Aqua Products directly at 1-800-221-1750 or via email at
We offer only new factory packaged products.

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